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The galaxy is full of interesting people. Even your everyday athlete can be quite a surprising individual. Jedi, Uglaball players, bounty hunters, etc... The galaxy is full of a wide variety of interesting people. The Chronicals houses dossiers on many of these people. The database is constantly growing...

Jedi - The following individuals are among the least known, but most potentially powerful in the galaxy. Some of them are long dead, and others have long lives left to live. In either case, their talent with the Force made them legendary..... 

  • Defrel ap Talisin de Pendragon - A Jedi from the times of great Darkness. Student under both Luke Skywalker and Jarvis Zarhn, a master at the physical side of the force.  A man of honor and deed, a true warrior of the force...

Special Forces - The galaxy has many special members who are prime military minds.   These people go beyond the call of duty.   And for that the become members of Special Forces...

  • Defrel Morris -  A Calm, cool, professional Combat Medic,  born to a life of the Empire...forged in battle...and freed into service of the New Republic.  Defrel is a man whom knows what he needs to do and does it...
  • Cade Zetlan -  A professional gentleman and sniper.  A Master of both the long range blaster and the close ranged prayer.  A man with deep religious ties and even deeper professionalism...

Crusaders - There are those, like the Jedi, that put others before themselves. They strive to give others what they have, or even what they have never been able to obtain. Some of these people live a normal life, down the straight and narrow. Others make use of more unconventional means to reach their goals in life, this are those people....

  • Travis Zarhn - A calm, quiet man with a twisted sense of humor.  Good with a blaster and great with getting out of trouble.  A man that you do not want to make your enemy...

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"......I take credit only for what I make and create....."
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